On Friday, a tragic incident took place in the Kandi Forest of Rajouri Sector in the Pir Panjal Valley. During an ongoing anti-militancy operation, two soldiers were killed and four others, including an Army officer, were injured. The operation was launched by the security forces to eliminate the militants who were believed to be hiding in the forest. The militants had been a constant threat to the security of the region and had been carrying out attacks on the security forces.The security forces had been carrying out the operation for several days before the unfortunate incident took place. The operation was launched following intelligence reports that suggested that a group of militants were hiding in the Kandi Forest. The security forces had been combing the area for several days, trying to locate the militants. However, the militants managed to evade the security forces for several days before contact was finally established.During the exchange of fire between the security forces and the militants, two soldiers lost their lives, and four others were injured, including an Army officer. The injured were immediately rushed to a nearby hospital for treatment, where they are said to be in a stable condition. The security forces have intensified the operation in the area, and efforts are underway to eliminate the militants.Following the incident, internet services have been suspended in Rajouri as a security measure. The move is aimed at preventing any untoward incident and maintaining law and order in the region. The suspension of internet services has caused inconvenience to the residents of the region, but the security forces have assured them that the move is aimed at ensuring their safety.The incident comes two weeks after five soldiers were killed in a militant ambush in Rajouri. The incident had caused widespread outrage, and the security forces had launched a massive operation to eliminate the militants responsible for the attack. The latest incident is a grim reminder of the constant threat posed by militants in the region and highlights the need for the security forces to remain vigilant at all times.The security forces have been engaged in a relentless fight against militancy in the region, and they have achieved significant success in their efforts. However, the militants continue to pose a threat to the security of the region, and the security forces are working tirelessly to eliminate them. The sacrifice of the soldiers who lost their lives in the line of duty is a testament to the bravery and dedication of the security forces who are working to keep the region safe.In conclusion, the incident in the Kandi Forest is a tragic reminder of the constant threat posed by militancy in the region. The security forces have launched a massive operation to eliminate the militants and are working tirelessly to ensure the safety of the residents of the region. The sacrifice of the soldiers who lost their lives in the line of duty is a testament to their bravery and dedication, and their sacrifice will not go in vain. The government and the security forces are committed to ensuring that the region remains safe and secure, and all necessary measures will be taken to achieve this objective.