The popular comedy series, The Kapil Sharma Show, is set to take a short break from airing new episodes. Host Kapil Sharma has been known to take periodic breaks to spend time with his family, while also allowing for changes to be made to the show’s content and cast.
A source close to the show shared that taking breaks has worked in their favour, allowing the team to experiment with new formats and introduce fresh characters.
While the exact date of the last episode is yet to be finalized, it is expected that the show will wrap up filming in May, with the final episode of the season airing in June. Kapil Sharma is also scheduled to embark on an international tour, which factored into the decision to take a break at this time. The show’s team plans to pre-record a bank of episodes to ensure fans do not have to wait long for new content. However, the duration of the break has not yet been determined.
This is not the first time The Kapil Sharma Show has taken a break, with the show previously taking a six-month hiatus in 2021 and 2022. When the show returned, it featured new cast members, with Krushna Abhishek and Chandan Prabhakar not returning. Krushna cited contract issues with the channel, while Chandan wanted to explore new opportunities. It is unclear whether they will return for the upcoming hiatus.
Since its launch in 2016 on Sony TV, The Kapil Sharma Show has changed its cast, with actors like Sumona Chakravarti, Archana Puran Singh, Kiku Sharda, Bharti Singh, Rochelle Rao, and Srishty Rode among those who have appeared on the show. The Kapil Sharma Show is produced by Salman Khan Television and Banijay Asia.