On Thursday, Union Minister Parsottam Rupala praised the new system in which Prime Minister Narendra Modi directly delivered digital appointment letters to thousands of job seekers by simply pressing a button. According to Rupala, this system represents the new image of India, in which the process of getting a government job has become simpler and more efficient.
In the past, job aspirants would face many obstacles in the process of applying for government jobs, including difficulties in attesting forms, delays in receiving call letters and results, and middlemen who promised to deliver appointment letters in exchange for money. However, with the new system, these hurdles have been eliminated, and job seekers can receive their appointment letters digitally through their accounts.
At a job fair in Rajkot, Rupala handed over appointment letters to 191 men and women who had secured jobs in various departments of the Central government. Similar events were held at 45 locations across the country, where Prime Minister Modi issued digital appointment letters to 71,506 selected candidates.
The event was attended by various political figures, including Lok Sabha Member Mohan Kundariya, Rajya Sabha Member Ram Mokariya, and Rajkot Mayor Pradip Dav. Rajkot divisional railway manager Anil Kumar Jain was also present on the occasion. Overall, the new system has made the process of getting a government job much easier and more accessible to job seekers across the country.