Social media trolls questioned the worthiness of Indian actor Raveena Tandon for being awarded the Padma Shri, the fourth-highest civilian award in India. However, the actor has brushed off their comments, saying that they don’t affect her.
In an interview with Mid-Day, Raveena pointed out that those trolling her are not aware of the extensive hours that actors put into their work. She stated that their comments will not diminish the body of work she has created over the years. Raveena also acknowledged that there are polarising views on social media and that some people have sent her lovely messages of congratulations.
Raveena recently revealed that it was her late father, filmmaker Ravi Tandon’s dream to see her receive the Padma Shri.
Despite the emotional moment of receiving the award, she admitted that there was a bittersweet feeling knowing that her father wasn’t alive to see it. However, fulfilling her father’s dream brought her great joy. Raveena emphasized the hard work that goes into making films and how it’s not just about the glamour.