Recent news have been circulating with the news that the Bombay High Court has ordered the Bike-Taxi App Rapido to stop its operations immediately in Maharashtra. The High Court directed so because it does not have any license to operate bike taxi or any rickshaw service.
The app has been stopped from its operations and services in bike taxi services as well as their food delivery in Maharashtra till January 20, 2023. Rapido had informed the court that the application has become inoperational in the state.
A Brief Introduction to Rapido.
Rapido is an Indian Bike Taxi aggregator and Logistics service provider which is based in Bangalore.
Rapido was founded in 2015 and is a company which operates in over 100 cities across the country. This Bike Taxi App , though being an innovative idea, has got into some troubles in various areas where there are restrictions on bike taxis.
There was a division bench that was set up of Justices Gautam Patel and S.G Dige . They have give warning to Rapido to either suspend its bike taxi services Immediately or else the court will issue the instructions to the state authorities to permanently exempt the company and it will not be given any license. License is a compulsory requirement to run the company in a regulated manner. And thus the bench wanted the company to obtain license.
The State Government had stated in its letter that there was no state policy on licensing the bike taxis and there was no any fare structure policy.
” They can’t come to this court while running the services illegally “, advocate General Birendra Saraf had told the court that the companies petition will only be heard only after they have stopped their operations.
He had informed that the court has been formed to analyze the possibility of creating State Regulations for bike taxis.