Pro-Khalistan leader Amritpal Singh, who has been on the run for over a month, has finally been arrested by the Punjab police in Moga district. The arrest took place at a Gurudwara in Moga, and Singh is likely to be taken to Dibrugarh in Assam for further proceedings. Singh’s downfall began after his supporters stormed a police station in Amritsar seeking the release of his aide and another Khalistan sympathizer, Lovepreet Toofan, in an incident known as the Ajnala incident.
Several criminal cases have been filed against Singh, including serious charges like kidnapping and holding a person hostage. His main aide, Joga Singh, was also arrested in Sirhind on April 15. Singh’s wife, Kirandeep Kaur, was recently detained at the Shri Guru Ram Dass International Airport in Amritsar as she was trying to board a flight to London.
Singh’s ‘Waris Punjab De’ outfit has been under scrutiny, and the police launched a major crackdown on him and his members last month. On March 18, Singh managed to elude the police by switching vehicles and changing his appearance, but he has now been caught after a 36-day-long manhunt.
Singh is a radical preacher and a Khalistan sympathizer, and several of his followers are also under police radar. The Punjab police have been increasing pressure on Singh, and his arrest is a significant breakthrough for them. The police have said that they will continue to take action against anyone involved in criminal activities in the state, regardless of their background or affiliations.