Raj Thackeray, the prominent Indian politician and cartoonist, recently made headlines with his spontaneous cartoon at the inauguration of the Pune International Cartoon Festival. However, he has remained silent on a particular issue that has been the talk of the town. On a recent Tuesday, Sharad Pawar, a respected veteran politician, announced his resignation during an event where the second part of his autobiography was being launched. His stated reason was to promote young leadership within his party, the Nationalist Congress Party (NCP), while he would continue to serve as a mentor. However, this decision sparked protests from party workers who were not ready to accept his resignation. Due to the overwhelming love and respect shown by his party members and supporters, Sharad Pawar eventually withdrew his decision to step down as the national president of the NCP. In a heartfelt statement, he acknowledged the sentiments of his followers and the resolution passed by senior NCP leaders. His decision to continue leading the party was met with relief and joy from his dedicated base. Nevertheless, this turn of events led to speculation about the underlying reasons behind Sharad Pawar’s resignation and subsequent withdrawal. Many wondered if it was an attempt to either smoothen or foil the rumored alliance between his nephew, Ajit Pawar, and the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), a prominent political party in India.During this period of uncertainty, Raj Thackeray, known for his straightforward remarks, addressed Ajit Pawar directly, urging him to pay attention to his uncle, Sharad Pawar. The comment seemed to suggest that Ajit Pawar should consider his family’s interests and not get entangled in political maneuvers that might harm their longstanding political legacy. In response, Ajit Pawar asserted, “The way Raj Thackeray paid attention to his own uncle, I will also pay attention to my uncle.” His retort highlighted the complex dynamics and rivalries within the political landscape.It is worth noting that Raj Thackeray, the founder of the Maharashtra Navnirman Sena (MNS), had left his uncle Balasaheb Thackeray’s Shiv Sena in 2006 to form his own party. The split between Raj Thackeray and his uncle had significant implications for the political landscape in Maharashtra, as it led to the emergence of a new force in regional politics. As the news of Sharad Pawar’s resignation and subsequent withdrawal unfolded, the political atmosphere in Maharashtra remained charged with speculation and intrigue. The decision to continue leading the NCP undoubtedly carried implications for the party’s future direction and its relationship with other political players, including the BJP. While Raj Thackeray, known for his artistic flair as a cartoonist, has not publicly commented on these recent developments, his earlier statement urging Ajit Pawar to pay attention to his uncle added a layer of complexity to an already intricate political scenario. The political landscape in Maharashtra continues to evolve, and the actions and statements of key figures like Raj Thackeray and Sharad Pawar will undoubtedly shape its trajectory in the coming days.