Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi is embarking on a two-day tour, starting from Madhya Pradesh on Monday. During his visit, he will participate in the celebration of National Panchayati Raj Day in Rewa and address Gram Sabhas and Panchayati Raj Institutions across the country. The Prime Minister will also inaugurate and lay the foundation stone of various projects worth over Rs 17,000 crore.
The objective of eGramSwaraj – Government eMarketplace integration is to enable Panchayats to procure their goods and services through GeM, leveraging the eGramSwaraj platform. The Prime Minister will also launch a campaign named “विकास की ओर साझे क़दम” (Together towards development), focused on inclusive development.
Additionally, the Prime Minister will hand over around 35 lakhs of SVAMITVA Property Cards to beneficiaries, bringing the total number of property cards distributed under the SVAMITVA Scheme in the country to 1.25 crore.
PM Modi will also participate in the ‘Griha Pravesh’ of over 4 lakh beneficiaries under the Pradhan Mantri Awaas Yojana–Gramin. He will dedicate himself to the nation and lay the foundation stone of various railway projects worth around Rs. 2300 crore, including 100 percent rail electrification in Madhya Pradesh, doubling, gauge conversion and electrification projects. Additionally, he will lay the foundation stone of projects worth about Rs.7,000 crore under the Jal Jeevan Mission.
In the evening, the Prime Minister will hold a roadshow in Kochi, Kerala, followed by his participation in the Yuvam Conclave at 6 PM. The visit is expected to boost the government’s efforts towards inclusive development and bring a positive change in the lives of people in the country.