Nawazuddin Siddiqui is a well-known Indian actor who has had the privilege of working with all three of Bollywood’s leading Khans – Salman Khan, Aamir Khan, and Shah Rukh Khan. In a recent interview, Siddiqui shared that he has formed a strong bond with these actors over the years and they have come to appreciate his talent and work ethic.
Siddiqui has worked with Salman Khan in several films, including “Kick” and “Bajrangi Bhaijaan.” He describes Khan as a “friend” and “brother,” and says that they have a special bond that goes beyond work. According to Siddiqui, Khan is always looking out for him and has called him for roles in content-driven films such as “Freaky Ali” and “Race 3.”
Siddiqui also had the opportunity to work with Aamir Khan in the critically acclaimed film “Talaash.” He describes Khan as a “perfectionist” who is always looking for ways to improve his craft. Siddiqui says that working with Aamir was a learning experience for him, and he gained valuable insights into the craft of acting.
Finally, Siddiqui worked with Shah Rukh Khan in the film “Raees,” which was a commercial and critical success. He describes Shah Rukh as a “humble” and “down-to-earth” person who is always willing to help others. According to Siddiqui, working with Shah Rukh was a dream come true, and he considers him to be one of the most talented actors in Bollywood.
Overall, Siddiqui’s experiences with these three Khans have been positive and have helped him to grow as an actor. He attributes his success to his hard work and dedication to his craft, as well as to the support and encouragement of these three leading actors. Despite their busy schedules, they have always made time for him and have called him for roles that they believe would suit his talent.
Nawazuddin Siddiqui is a talented actor who has had the honor of working with all three of Bollywood’s leading Khans. He values the relationships he has formed with them and appreciates the support and guidance they have provided throughout his career. Siddiqui’s experiences are a testament to the importance of hard work, dedication, and strong relationships in achieving success in the film industry.