A shocking incident that occurred on board an Air India flight recently has sent shockwaves throughout India. On the 9th of July, a 25-year-old man, identified as Bharat, who was travelling from Mumbai to Bengaluru, reportedly urinated on a female co-passenger in a state of drunken stupor.The incident, which was first reported by the Times of India, has been met with widespread outrage and condemnation, with many calling out the airline and government authorities for their lack of response in handling it adequately. According to reports, the incident took place soon after the plane had taken off and Bharat, who had already been drinking, went up to the woman who was sitting next to him and started urinating on her. When other passengers noticed what was going on, they immediately alerted the cabin crew and the man was apprehended.The victim filed a complaint against the man with the police and also demanded that the airline take necessary action andThe police were called and the man was taken into custody when the plane landed in New Delhi. Reports suggest that the man was apparently drunk and had urinated on the woman during the flight. He was arrested for molestation and outraging the modesty of a woman. The news of this incident has spread quickly throughout media, social media, and other forms of communication, with many people expressing shock and outrage at the man’s actions. People have been calling for stronger regulations to protect women and ensure that such incidents do not occur in the future. The Indian National Commission for Women (NCW) has also condemned the alleged assault, saying that it is unacceptable and that it should be dealt with seriously as any form of sexual harassment cannot be tolerated in any environment. The NCW has taken up the matter with both Air India and IndiGo airlines and demanded that they take strong action against the perpetrator.Meanwhile, Air India has taken strict disciplinary action against the man and said it will take necessary steps to ensure that such incidents are not repeated in the future. The airline has also assured the public that it will work hard to build a safe, secure, and comfortable environment for all its passengers.This latest incident of sexual harassment on an airplane, however, is yet another reminder that more needs to be done to protect female passengers from such attacks. Airlines need to take proactive measures to prevent such incidents from occurring, including providing proper training to staff, making sure there is adequate security, and having clear policies in place to prevent and investigate such cases.At the same time, all passengers should take responsibility for their own safety and look out for each other. Everyone should be aware of their rights and be willing to speak up in such situations. Only then can we ensure that no woman has to suffer through such traumatic experiences in the future.