Bhupinder Singh Hooda, the Leader of the Opposition in Haryana and a former chief minister, had a close call when the Toyota Land Cruiser he was traveling in met with an accident in Hisar on Sunday. Hooda and others in the car escaped without any major injuries.
According to sources close to the Congress leader, Hooda was en route to attend a function in Giraye village in Hisar to felicitate boxer Sweety Boora when the vehicle collided with a nilgai. The impact of the crash caused the front airbags of the luxury SUV to deploy. Hooda then transferred to another vehicle in his convoy and continued with his scheduled programs.
“Hooda is doing well and attended all planned activities. The car was damaged, but everyone inside it is safe. Currently, he is attending a wedding ceremony of one of his close associates,” the sources stated.
In brief, Bhupinder Singh Hooda, the Leader of the Opposition in Haryana, narrowly escaped an accident in Hisar when the car he was traveling in collided with a nilgai. Although the luxury SUV suffered damage, Hooda and other passengers emerged unscathed. Hooda proceeded to attend his scheduled programs and is presently at a wedding function.