Ashneer Grover, who rose to fame on Sony TV’s Shark Tank India, recently bid a heartfelt farewell to his father, Ashok Grover, who passed away at the age of 69. Ashneer took to Instagram to share a photo of his late father, along with a brief note to honor his memory.
In the post, Ashneer wrote, “Bye Papa. Love you! Take Care of Papaji, Badi Mummy, Nanaji, and Naniji in heaven. Ashok Grover (S/o Nand Lal Grover) 04.08.1953 – 28.03.2023”. Sunil Grover, a well-known comedian, expressed his condolences in the comments section of the post, writing, “Prayers.”
Ashneer’s supporters flooded the comments section with messages of support and comfort. One comment read, “Your father was so proud to have you as a son. He loved you very much, and I hope that helps you find comfort in this difficult time.” Another comment said, “Must be hard for you.” Yet another message read, “Om Shanti, he was a great person and will be missed. Wishing you peace, comfort, courage, and lots of love at this time of sorrow.”