The Delhi Police have tightened security measures as farmers are expected to reach Jantar Mantar, where wrestlers are protesting against the chief of the Wrestling Federation of India and BJP MP, Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh, over allegations of sexual harassment. Multiple barricades have been erected to prevent any untoward incidents.
However, on Monday, farmers broke through the barricades to join the protesting wrestlers. Extensive barricades have been placed at the protest site and the border areas of Delhi. The Delhi Police stated that a group of farmers had been escorted to Jantar Mantar, but some of them were in a hurry to reach the dharna site and climbed over the barricades. The police further mentioned that the barricades had been removed by the farmers and assured that the protestors at Jantar Mantar were being facilitated.
The Samyukt Kisan Morcha (SKM) announced a nationwide agitation on Saturday in solidarity with the wrestlers protesting at Jantar Mantar. SKM demanded the immediate arrest of Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh, who has been accused of sexual harassment by several women wrestlers. Several senior leaders of SKM from Punjab, Haryana, Delhi, and western Uttar Pradesh were slated to visit Jantar Mantar on Sunday, accompanied by hundreds of farmers.
On Thursday, a group of farmers en route to Delhi to join the protest at Jantar Mantar were stopped by the police at the Singhu border, resulting in the detention of 24 individuals.
The wrestlers have been staging their protest at Jantar Mantar since April 23. On April 28, the Delhi Police filed two FIRs against Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh based on complaints filed by seven women wrestlers, including a minor. To ensure security, protesters are required to pass through DFMD (Door Frame Metal Detector). The Delhi Police also appealed to the public to remain calm and abide by the law.