Scott Adams, the creator of the beloved comic strip Dilbert, is facing the consequences of his recent racially charged statements. The syndicate that distributes the comic strip, Universal Uclick, has announced that it has severed ties with Adams over his inflammatory comments.
The controversy started when Adams made comments about the protests against police violence, which were spurred by the death of George Floyd. Adams, who is white, referred to the protests as a “race war” and said that he did not understand why some people were so passionate about it. Adams also said that he was “not convinced” that racism was the cause of Floyd’s death.
These comments sparked outrage among fans of Dilbert, which features a diverse cast of characters and has been praised for its progressive themes. Fans called for the comic strip to be dropped from newspapers and for Universal Uclick to sever its ties with Adams. Universal Uclick responded to the outcry by announcing that it was cutting ties with Adams. A statement from the syndicate said, “Universal Uclick unequivocally denounces racism, discrimination and injustice of any kind. We have made the decision to no longer distribute Dilbert comic strips by Scott Adams.”
The syndicate also said that it would not be distributing any new material from Adams, though it did not comment on whether it would continue to host the strip’s archives. It also did not comment on what will happen to the Dilbert character, who is one of the most recognizable characters in comics.
The controversy has also sparked a larger conversation about the role of comics and comic creators in addressing racism and injustice. Many have argued that Adams’ comments are a reminder of how far comics still have to go when it comes to representing diverse voices and tackling racism head-on. For now, it remains to be seen what will happen to Adams and Dilbert in the wake of the controversy. But one thing is for certain: Universal Uclick’s decision to part ways with Adams has sent a clear message that racism and injustice will not be tolerated.