The Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) has launched an investigation into an Air India pilot who reportedly allowed a female friend into the cockpit during a flight from Dubai to Delhi on February 27. This act is said to have violated the aviation regulator’s safety norms, prompting the probe.
A senior DGCA official told the news agency ANI that the investigation team will examine the relevant facts surrounding the incident. The DGCA reportedly became aware of the situation through a complaint made by a crew member.
Allowing unauthorized individuals into the cockpit during a flight is a serious violation of safety norms, as it can distract pilots and compromise the safety of the flight. Such acts are strictly prohibited by aviation regulators around the world.
Air India has not yet made an official statement regarding the incident. The airline is expected to cooperate fully with the DGCA’s investigation.
The aviation industry has been under heightened scrutiny in recent years due to several high-profile safety incidents. Regulators have taken a strong stance on safety violations, with severe penalties for those found to have violated safety norms. The DGCA’s investigation is expected to determine the cause of the incident and ensure that appropriate action is taken to prevent such violations from occurring in the future.