The controversial film “The Kerala Story” has made headlines for earning over ₹10 crore at the domestic box office in just four days despite facing strong opposition and calls for a ban. Directed by Sudipto Sen, the film has now grossed over ₹45.72 crore and is on track to enter the ₹50 crore club. The film was released on May 5 and has created quite a buzz in the industry.
Produced by Vipul Amrutlal Shah, the film boasts a talented cast including Adah Sharma, Yogita Bihani, Siddhi Idnani, and Sonia Balani in lead roles. The film explores the socio-political climate of Kerala, a state known for its progressive policies and high literacy rate. It delves into the lives of the common people and how they navigate the complex web of politics and social hierarchies in the state.
The film has been praised for its nuanced portrayal of the issues plaguing Kerala, including corruption, casteism, and religious fundamentalism. It highlights the struggles of the marginalized communities in the state, including Dalits and Muslims, and sheds light on their fight for equal rights and opportunities. The film has been lauded for its bold and unapologetic take on sensitive topics that are often swept under the rug.
However, the film has also faced strong opposition from certain groups who have called for a ban on the film. They claim that the film’s portrayal of the state is inaccurate and that it promotes a negative image of Kerala. Some have also criticized the film for being too political and polarizing.
Despite these criticisms, the film has managed to strike a chord with audiences and has garnered a loyal fan following. Its success at the box office is a testament to the growing appetite for thought-provoking and socially relevant films in India. It also demonstrates that audiences are willing to support films that tackle controversial topics and push the boundaries of mainstream cinema.
Overall, “The Kerala Story” is a film that challenges the status quo and invites audiences to think critically about the issues facing Kerala and India as a whole. It is a powerful reminder of the role that cinema can play in shaping public opinion and sparking meaningful conversations. Whether you agree with the film’s message or not, there is no denying that it has made a significant impact on the industry and has cemented its place in the annals of Indian cinema.