Hollywood actors Tom Holland and Zendaya have arrived in India and were recently spotted at the Kalina airport in Mumbai. The Spider-Man: No Way Home stars left the airport in separate cars, with Holland wearing a denim jacket and cap over a t-shirt and pants, and Zendaya opting for a black outfit.
Holland has previously expressed his love for India, stating during the promotion of his film Uncharted last year that he is a big fan of the country and would love to visit someday to meet his Indian fans or even shoot a film there. Reports suggest that the two actors may be attending the launch of the Nita Mukesh Ambani Cultural Centre (NMACC), a multi-disciplinary cultural space showcasing music, theatre, fine arts, and crafts.
Interestingly, Holland and Zendaya recently visited an Indian restaurant in London, going on a date at Jamavar. The executive chef shared a picture of the stars on his social media, writing that it was a pleasure to have them dine at the restaurant.
Fans of the two stars, who affectionately call them “Tomdaya,” have been following their relationship closely since they first met in 2016 during the shoot of Spider-Man: Homecoming. Initially, Holland referred to Zendaya as his “best friend,” but they eventually revealed their feelings for each other. In October 2021, Zendaya expressed her admiration for Holland, stating that he is charismatic, can make anyone feel comfortable, and is a great conversationalist.