Veteran actor Gufi Paintal, who gained fame for his portrayal of the iconic character Shakuni mama in the epic TV serial “Mahabharat,” passed away on Monday at a hospital in Mumbai due to age-related health issues. He was 79 years old. The news of his demise was confirmed by his nephew, Hiten Paintal, who revealed that Gufi Paintal passed away peacefully in his sleep around 9 am.
According to Hiten Paintal, his uncle had been facing health problems for some time, primarily related to his age. He had been dealing with blood pressure and heart issues, and his condition had been deteriorating. Due to the severity of his symptoms, Gufi Paintal was admitted to the hospital for observation, where he had been receiving medical care for about a week. Initially critical, his condition stabilized over time.
Gufi Paintal, apart from his memorable role as Shakuni mama in “Mahabharat,” had an illustrious career in the entertainment industry. He had acted in several Hindi films from the 1980s, including notable movies like “Suhaag” and “Dillagi.” Additionally, he appeared in popular television shows such as “CID” and “Hello Inspector.” However, it was his portrayal of the cunning and manipulative Shakuni mama in BR Chopra’s rendition of the epic saga “Mahabharat” that brought him immense recognition and made him a household name.
The news of Gufi Paintal’s demise has left the industry and his fans grieving the loss of a talented actor. His contribution to Indian television and cinema has been widely appreciated, and he will always be remembered for his remarkable performances.
The last rites of Gufi Paintal are scheduled to take place today at approximately 4 pm at a crematorium in suburban Andheri, according to PTI reports. The final journey will be attended by his family, friends, and well-wishers who wish to pay their respects and bid farewell to the veteran actor.
Gufi Paintal is survived by his son, daughter-in-law, and a grandchild. His family and loved ones are undoubtedly mourning the loss of a beloved father, father-in-law, and grandfather. The film and television fraternity, along with his fans, are remembering him for his immense talent, versatility, and memorable performances throughout his career.
The passing away of Gufi Paintal is a significant loss to the entertainment industry, and his absence will be deeply felt. He leaves behind a rich legacy of exceptional work that has left an indelible mark on Indian television and cinema. As his family, friends, and fans come together to bid him a final farewell, they will cherish the memories of his remarkable performances and the joy he brought to their lives through his acting prowess.
Gufi Paintal’s departure serves as a reminder of the impermanence of life and the importance of celebrating the contributions and achievements of talented individuals while they are still with us. His work will continue to inspire and entertain audiences for generations to come, and his legacy as an actor will forever remain etched in the hearts of those who admired him.
May Gufi Paintal’s soul rest in peace, and may his family find strength and solace during this difficult time of loss.