The Meghalaya High Court has instructed the state’s Chief Secretary and the Director General of Police (DGP) to submit additional affidavits detailing the actions taken to combat illegal mining and transportation of coal in the region. The court expressed dissatisfaction with the affidavits previously filed by the Chief Secretary and DGP in response to an earlier order. The bench, headed by Chief Justice Sanjib Banerjee, demanded that the officials provide further information.
The court emphasized the need for individual examination of the instances mentioned in Justice Katakey’s 13th interim report. It directed the Chief Secretary and the DGP to file additional affidavits within four weeks, outlining the measures taken to prevent future violations of existing orders. The bench criticized the DGP’s affidavit, stating that it primarily focused on actions taken after the illegal activities had already occurred. The court stressed that the goal was to prevent such activities from happening in the first place.
Additionally, the High Court ordered the state to ensure the disposal of previously mined coal according to the original schedule established by Justice Katakey. It commended Justice Katakey for his diligent monitoring of the situation and decided to release an additional ad hoc remuneration of Rs 5 lakh to him.
The Meghalaya High Court is overseeing the disposal of coal mining before the 2014 ban on rat-hole coal mining and transportation imposed by the National Green Tribunal (NGT). The court had also requested the deployment of 10 companies of Central Armed Police Forces (CAPFs) to curb illegal mining and transportation of coal throughout the state.