Arulmoli Varman, also known as Ponniyin Selvan, is the protagonist of the classic Tamil novel “Ponniyin Selvan” written by Kalki Krishnamurthy. He is the son of the Chola dynasty’s King Sundara Chola and is one of the contenders for the throne.
Ponniyin Selvan is portrayed as a brave and intelligent young man who is loved and respected by the people of the Chola dynasty. He is known for his exceptional swordsmanship and strategic thinking, which he uses to defend the kingdom against various threats.
Throughout the novel, Ponniyin Selvan is in constant conflict with his brother, Aditya Karikalan, who is also a contender for the throne. Their rivalry is fueled by various political and personal factors, including their different approaches to leadership and their love for the same woman, Nandini.
Despite his noble and honorable nature, Ponniyin Selvan is not without flaws. He is sometimes impulsive and hot-headed, which often leads him into dangerous situations. He is also deeply emotional and passionate, which makes him vulnerable to manipulation by those around him.
Ponniyin Selvan’s character is significant not only because he is the protagonist of the novel, but also because he represents the values and ideals of the Chola dynasty. The novel is set in the early 10th century AD, a time when the dynasty was at its peak and was ruled by strong and powerful kings. Ponniyin Selvan embodies the qualities of a true leader and warrior, who puts the needs of the kingdom above his own.
In conclusion, Ponniyin Selvan is a brave and intelligent protagonist in the Tamil novel “Ponniyin Selvan.” His exceptional swordsmanship and strategic thinking make him a formidable opponent to his rivals, but his impulsive and emotional nature also makes him vulnerable to manipulation. His character represents the values and ideals of the Chola dynasty, making him a significant figure in Indian literature.