The Vande Bharat was launched just a month ago . And almost a month after its launch , a passenger posted a video on social media . The video showed the bad quality food that was being served in the train.
He posted a tweet . According to that tweet, the clip was shot on a Vande Bharat Train that proceeded from Vizag towards Hyderabad.
The clip shows the passenger squeezing oil out of a food item from his meal that he was provided on the train. He posted this clip with a caption ,”Food price in the Vande Bharat train which was ambitiously introduced by the central government is very high , the quality of the food is really bad . “Various users shared that clip on the twitter . The clip even reached to the Indian Railway Catering And Tourism Corporation ( IRCTC ) . They even responded to it, “Sir concerned officials have been informed of the corrective measures.” This is what the train authorities stated.
Further Insights About Similar Incidents.
Earlier , a picture had gone viral which showed garbage strewn on the floor of the Vande Bharat express train coach. The picture had gone viral on the internet. The Indian Administrative Services Officer (IAS) officer Awanish Sharan shared an image which showed empty bottles, used food containers and plastic bags scattered inside the train. There was also one worker that was seen holding a broom to clean the floor.
The picture evoked several reactions on the social media especially twitter. Netizens condemned the littering inside the express train . They urged everyone to help keep the country clean. The Railway Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw responded to the image .
He also instructed concerned officials to change the cleaning practice in these trains. He emphasized adopting the cleaning process as it is practiced in flights .Mr. Vaishnaw said in a tweet that cleaning system has been changed in Vande Bharat Trains and sought cooperation from people in maintaining cleanliness in the trains.